she takes off her dress...

Apr 23, 2005 23:41

well today me and linsey woke up and finished watching it. the ending was retarded. uh then her uncle matt called and we went to chucke cheese with her brother and 2 cousins. it was a lot of fun. me and linsey had fun experience in the sky tubes. lmao. she kept getting lost when she was by herself. funny...then when i went up there with her and the kids were like farting atomically and it was nasty. lmao. then we just played with the tokens and we got our cool picture taken. when we got home her cousin mariah came over and now shes sleeping here with us. its really fun.

tomorrow is linseys family party and im just guna be here till like 7:30 and having fun.

well anywhat everyone is home from vacation and im happy. angelia is home and she got me sand so im really excited to feel it. lmao. funny. and im pretty pumped to go back to school.
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