Sep 30, 2006 21:49
Well, I tried.
Tonight Skiffy (the sci-fi group at school) was having a tv night with Farscape and BSG. I've been wanting to get into Farscape since Ben Browder and Claudia Black joined the cast of Stargate SG-1, and come on, it's Battlestar Galactica! (Sidenote: did you know Xena is now a Cylon!?!? That's amazing! I mean, it's XENA! We have magnets of her on our fridge!) So I decided to escape my comfort zone and actually join a club. Granted, they are all social outcasts like me, but still, for me that's huge! Well, I was a little late, and sat down awkwardly after Farscape had just begun. These people were so obsorbed in their show, I couldn't really start an introduction. Anyways, I began to feel more and more uncomfortable and brought my friend (who was just going to do work and sit with me) to the back corner, which is usually a place of safety for me when there are...people...around. I pretended to read today's paper, as I actually enjoyed the show. Ben Browder is so much cuter as John Crichton than Cameron Mitchell. (And he looks so much like Michael Shanks.)
But I was feeling very excluded. They made jokes together, and anything I could think of I kept to myself. Neither me nor the group acted very welcoming. Thankfully it took place in the 24 hr lounge, so I could pretend I was there to study with my friend, and escape embarassment of leaving in the middle.
I don't think I'll be back (and I'll rent Farscape, if I can find it. This looks like a job for...GenX!)
I really don't know how to meet fellow sci-fi geeks. My roomates are wonderful, in that they don't cut off my rants, though I'm sure they wish I would rant to others about these things so I wouldn't have to unburden to them. The only other nerds I know are too far away, and I only contact online (Roomate Miriam once asked if they were cyber friends, or real. You are real, thankfully...right?)
Speaking or real or not, I've been noticing some very Matrix-y things lately. Three, actually.
1. I was at the library the other day (which, in our very hilly Waterloo, is higher than other parts of the city and has a wonderful view from the adult floor) and noticed the clouds. They were all in rows. It looked very unnatural, though kinda cool. It was the beginning of the suspicions.
2. I was sitting in the Solarium at school, and a grey squirrel ran by. Not anything out of the ordinary, Lauier has many, many squirrels. But about 10 minutes later an identical squirrel ran by in the same tract, in the same way. Um, loop anybody?
3. I can't remember the third one, but I suspect They have caught on to me, and are doing that thing where the more you try to remember the more you forget. It might come to me if I don't think about it for a while.
So, if I suddenly stop posting here, either They've found me out (I had to risk posting this, you must know the truth!), Skiffy's come after me, or my internet continues to be stupid, as it is not currently working (I'm at the school computer lab).
I guess that's it.
Oh! Halloween! I think I want to be Athena, but I don't know where on earth I am going to find a female breast-plate. You'd think that since it has the term "breast" in it, it might be a little easier to find, but, we do live in an underground patriarchal society. They want everything we have. What is both geeky and recognisable? Other than Leia (done that)?
Okay, I'm out. I need to get all my internet things done, and then it's off to Tim Horton's for Coffee and reading The Siege of Krishnapur and the always lovely Heart of Darkness. And if there's time, The Knight's Tale (Canturbury Tales). Yay for readings! And readings, and readings, and readings...