Dreams of Electric Sheep

Mar 02, 2007 23:18

I had the most amazing dreams last night. I can't remember them as clearly as I could this morning, which is very sad, but, man, they were good. At one point I was playing with senior band again, though there were two Nikki Potters. One was my Nikki, but one was from an alternate time-line, and so was completely different. (Perhaps I've been watching too much sci-fi.) I think they both played saxophone. Then there was another part of the dream where we were on some dangerous mission - a little fantasy-esque, I think. I have no idea what happened there, except I remember arrows and hiding. It was night. It mixed with another dream, also dangerous at night, with Stark in his gamemaster costume. It was like a back history episode. I woke up, but went back to sleep to dream of a giant banquet that included all my previous dreams. High school people were there, as well as Hugh Laurie. Jody Fuller was pregnate with twin boys. I woke up so happy. I love good dream nights.

I am listening to the Promise soundtrack from Texas that Alicia showed the link to. The voices are less than fantastic, but so were ours. Oh, the memories. In "Glory to God" I could hear the part when we, as shepherds, had to get up and lead them down the hill - or drag them down the hill. It was quite the workout, but good. Wow, for Little Yeshua they actually have a boy singing. We just got some girl that sang in choir. There was a lack of girls in our production. All the boys were recruted to be diciples. I wanted to be a diciple, damn it! Small town sexism! Hey, wait a minute. There's a song we never did! Okay, enough remenising.

dreams, farscape, nostalgie

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