Title: Above El Escorial
new_evolutionPairing: Aziraphale/Crowley pre-slash
Rating: G
Summary: In which gravity is defied and a feather finds a new resting place.
Disclaimer: Aziraphale and Crowley are the property of Neil Gaiman and Terry Pratchett. No money is being made.
Note: Prompted by
this, written for
mellifluous_ink. I'm not sure if this was precisely what
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One nice thing about this fandom--apart from the fact it exists--I was never aware of any hierarchy. We just knew good stories and noted the great ones and recced them.
I would rec this lovely piece in a heartbeat. Of course the sweetness of developing trust in THE relationship is an often visited theme. But you've chosen to present it in their shared flight; in it you perfectly capture the tingling mixed feeling of both instinctive fear and utter freedom, the sense of exaltation that surely must accompany the ability to fly. You catch all that up in the sudden awareness each has for the physicality of the other--and the bond made tangible.
That you finish the piece from a human perspective with the humble young novice, pushed aside and disregarded though he was, having such a pure appreciation of the miraculous object is a very tender coda.
What a lovely Christmas present, not only for your recipient, but the rest of us.
Since I'm a bit of an antique and prefer print to read, this one will get not only printed out, but I'll be adding it to the binder(s) in which I also have the fiction of others like Daegaer, Irisbleu, Vulgarweed, Bender, Musgaarid, Louiselux, Afrai and many others, also a big folder of art from Quantum Witch and Linnpuzzle to noxcape and a lot of other talented people, many of whom I'm still discovering in this particularly rich Exchange season.
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