(no subject)

Sep 30, 2004 21:01



Science: I had Mr.Brooks teaching us today. He is the most boring science teacher EVER, I almost fell asleep and the lesson went so slow. x_x

Math: I hate this lesson and today's was even worse. Aaron found a huge moth and decided to throw it at the girls behind me so I was just pretending that it didn't bother me. Luckliy my friend Chris caught it and put it out.

Break: I had boring lunch to eat but I saw James and we hugged like always.

English: It was another boring lesson that you only go to because you have to. I hate doing all the Anthology poetry. It is the most boring thing ever. Writing poetry is good but anylizing and studying it just plain sucks.

History: We were working in our stupid groups again and I actually did the work as we had to make a presentation thing. I wrote about how the war affected peasents and fctory workers in Russia. Fun.

Lunch-break: James hugged me for ages but then had to go on duty for about 15mins. When he came back I saw the little girl in year 7 that I've made friends with. I'm friends with her because at the beggining of the week I asked random year 7 kids to give me five whenever they see me and she's the only one that does *aww*. she's really nice though. Anyways, when James came back we stood and hugged again. I love it.

Geography: This lesson was boring. And she gave us homework. Blah.

George broke my black biros and bought blue ones to replace them. I can't stand blue ink so I got pissed off with him. I get annoyed too easily when I'm fucking sick.

I hate being ill. And James isn;t online either. *sob* I need a hug.

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