I think I has it. Its a given that I will have what many call 'an addictive personality,' or what my family calls 'the addict gene,' and caffeine I think is the least dangerous substance I could get into. Considering I start work at 6am, and upon returning to school all my classes will start around 8/8:30, I think its ok to be a bit lenient. Besides, how cool is it when your body is physically exhausted but your eyes are wide open and refuse to close? And get this, a SMALL (I refuse to convert to their
propaganda of calling a SMALL cup of coffee TALL) cup of Starbucks coffee has more caffeine than 2 servings of Red Bull. Or a shot of espresso. Kind of scary. I'll stick to Dunks, at least I'm getting an equivalent amount to a strong brewed cup of black or chai tea. Who, by the way, have started a new campaign that I love because I'm such a masshole at heart - "Friends don't let friends drink Starbucks." They should copyright Foamy. It would be a great partnership. Oh well, back to work.
Go Choke on a Biscotti!!