May 21, 2005 23:18
well heather i am going to sleep on all of this stuff with joey. if u hear from him let me know.k? im sorry if your mad that i told him what you said. i was just letting loose and telling him all of the shit ive heard about him. he denies alot of stuff. he should just fess up.ill tell u if he says anything else. oh and congratulations on honcor(sp). my bf jackie was on it last year. she is the one with the long brown hair...really loud....05' graduate!!!
well everyone, it hink i will hed to bed now. im really tired. my eyes are starting to close on me while im typing. i was about to say see yall at school...but i forgot its out for the summer!!!!!!!!
ok goodnight everyone.
all of my friends are telling me to forget about joey.....but it is hard....but if i really think about it, why would i want to go back to someone who treats me like he has??? i am PATHETIC!!!!!!
well, ttyl for now. ill post later.goodnight
ashley s.....