Jan 30, 2012 22:49
Simultaneously hectic as all get out and boring beyond belief. School started. And either this'll be the easiest semester or the bitchingest. we'll find out. See i haven't exactly tacked down my schedule yet. Kinda sucks honestly. And there's no advisor on campus to help me out. Soo i'm wandering blind. But that'll get worked out
Templecon is this weekend! so is my birthday! woot and excitement! eeexcept that the new girl i was bringing isn't so sure about her situation, and its making things just weeeird. i rather dislike things not being hammered out until the last possible second. Can't get mad at her though, probably unaware of the situation, honestly, its her first con EVER. She'll learn :)
Sooooo turns out i'm the only one who's remaining in this little group come end of march. caause shi's got a job and snickers/lan just wanna. so, against everything i wanted, for the past two months i've been trying to avoid, it comes down to a last minute scramble . Here's hoping i just find roommates. but in my constant want of backup plans, i've been looking at roommate ads. Just in case. My add is up too, i'll probably check out school. I'm really not sure whats going to happen and, being that living is more important than school, this is what killed my grades in the past. SOOO here's hoping recognizing the problem and being on top of things will keep me from doing that.
Other than that: i love my life. that is all :)