
Sep 17, 2008 23:49

Alright, my life?

Better :)

First of, recently i went in to manchester UNH and they HELPED! me!! omg!! *in case you didn't know, so far UNHM has been a complete ass to me* So i dropped the writing intensive course of teh semester! that cuts my hw in half yay!

then that same day i went in to walmart, and they said they'd oblige me and schedule only 4 days of work a week for me.

So less classes + less work = a much more relaxed ali

just gotta keep on top of the classes i DO have o.o

recently i've been hanging with randi and mike, which is mucho fun :D couple of cool kids, great conversations, seriously been enjoying myself. Singing in parts "Kidnap Mr. Sandy Claws" etc.

i hope things work out and we all get an apt (to be brutally honest, either way i just want out, but it'd be nice to help them out of their house too)

i'm pretty ok right now. really *sighs relief* hopefully i can keep it that way :P


apartments, work, college, school, renn faire, friends

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