(no subject)

Jan 25, 2004 18:07

...They want to declaw Hoshi. Which is the most stupid and inhumane thing to do!! Cripes, I felt bad enough when we got him neutered, but that was really just to prevent him from raping Zoe and/or pissing all over the place...but chopping off half his fingers....is completely screwy.

That's why I'm printing out a bunch of anti-cat declawing brocheures.

It's so stupid, especially over some dumbass leather coach. Which is completely inhumane in the first place, leather. It's like sitting on dead animal carcass.

Printing out a bunch of anti-leather brocheures.

Now, what else...I shall start a petition. I shall also file Hoshi in the people protection unit-thing or whatever the hell that is. He will have a new identity and also none of them (declawing-advocating parents) will be allowed within 5 feet of him.

i shouldn't have to think when I'm so distressed....dammit, dammit.
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