A Fine Mess (Darkhawk/Black Cat; Just before midnight on Day 1)

Aug 04, 2005 01:33

(OOC WARNING: This thread will eventually contain adult content. Read no further if under the age of 18.)

A few hours prior, Chris Powell's already bad day had grown infinitely worse. )

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black_kittycat August 5 2005, 04:50:16 UTC
Felicia was beyond annoyed. Not only had she managed to get herself found out by this... person, but he had chosen to tag along with her, and then to get caught with her, much to her chagrin. She was the Black Cat! She didn't get caught! At least not when she was in her right mind anyways. She eyed this Darkhawk man with speculation and irritation. If he hadn't brought up.... well... him, she never would have been flustered enough to fall into something like this. And now here they were, stuck for what appeared like forever. Oh joy and rapture.

And what was even more confounding to her, was that despite her best attempts, he seemed completely oblivious to her... finer assets. That was just too rankling. She had given up trying to get out early on, realizing quickly that it wasn't worth the effort. Felicia was crouched in a corner of the room, watching Darkhawk beat the wall with some vindictive amusement.

"This is a fine mess you've gotten us into," he groused.Felicia merely raised an eyebrow and grinned predatorily at him. "That ( ... )


darkhawk_xlcr August 5 2005, 15:49:10 UTC
"That I've gotten us into? If you hadn't stuck your nose where it wasn't wanted and left well enough alone, I never would have been caught."

He turned to her and scowled, even though his helmet concealed all expression. "Some excuse. I'm a superhero; interfering with people like you is what we do."

He felt the urge to facepalm upon hearing himself say that. Chris didn't want to be a superhero, and being stuck in Darkhawk form was currently the worst kind of torture for him, so what was he saying?

Of course, Black Cat didn't need to know how conflicted he was.

"And what exactly am I supposed to call you anyways?"

"Darkhawk. I already told you." He didn't feel like giving an unapologetic cat burglar his real name.


black_kittycat August 6 2005, 05:58:46 UTC
He turned to her and scowled, even though his helmet concealed all expression. "Some excuse. I'm a superhero; interfering with people like you is what we do."

Felicia frowned slightly. Hmm... there was some interesting information. He didn't quite sound as if he bought into that particular idea. In fact, he sounded down right unsure of himself. Felicia narrowed her eyes and looked at him more carefully. Perhaps he wasn't quite as one dimentional as she had expected. Not that she was admitting she could have possibly been wrong of course. She refrained from saying anything just yet. He still had one question to answer. She cocked an eyebrow arrogantly and waited for him to continue.

"Darkhawk. I already told you." He didn't feel like giving an unapologetic cat burglar his real name."Well. That's an inspiring first name I must say. So dramatic and over the top. Can't say it suits you at all." Felicia smirked at him and made herself more comfortable, knowing that the crouched position she was in gave him a very nice view. "You don't ( ... )


wyzeguy August 6 2005, 06:32:25 UTC
(OOC: Too lazy to relogin as Darkhawk YET AGAIN...)

"Well. That's an inspiring first name I must say," the cat burglar replied thoughtfully. "So dramatic and over the top. Can't say it suits you at all."

Chris never realized his Darkhawk body couldn't blink until just now, when he felt the need to do so out of sheer confusion. Just as the body his mind wasn't his own, the face he wore under the helmet wasn't his ... and it wasn't for the faint of heart, either.

"It's not a first name," he pointed out. "It's just a name."

"You don't sound too sure of yourself."

"How do you know what I should and shouldn't sound like?" he inquired, more than a little perturbed and defensive.

"Do you want to interfere with people like me?" "When you're committing crimes, yes. Just be thankful you're not committing any violent crime like some people I met earlier. You'd be a stain on the wall and a pile of ashes by now ( ... )


black_kittycat August 7 2005, 04:42:03 UTC
"It's not a first name," he pointed out. "It's just a name."

Felicia resisted the urge to roll her eyes. Good lord. Did he really think she was that blond? She had been attempting to taunt him. Apparently, her work was cut out for her if he really thought that she had assumed that was his first name. "Yes." Was all she said, although her voice clearly conveyed her amusement. And damn it.. he still wasn't reacting to her at all. Not the way a normal male did anyways. Grrr

"How do you know what I should and shouldn't sound like?" he inquired, more than a little perturbed and defensive.

"It's called observation darling. You know, that thing you do when you actually take the time to look at someone." Her voice was a little more edgy now. She knew he hadn't taken the time to be observant toward her. All he saw was a back slidden cat burglar. Not that such an opinion was technically wrong. It just irked her to no end to be pigeon holed so quickly.

"When you're committing crimes, yes. Just be thankful you're not committing any violent ( ... )


darkhawk_xlcr August 7 2005, 05:18:54 UTC
An edge was creeping into the Cat's voice, which Darkhawk took to mean he was angering her. Good. She seemed concerned with getting a rise out of him, but two could play at that game.

"You don't know anything about me. And you're supposed to be a superhero." She scoffed. "I think you're just a naive little boy who doesn't use his eyes very well."

That did it. Darkhawk turned to face her, looming over her so that his helmet was an inch from her face and her features reflected in the polished metal and the jewel-red lens. "Hawks can see very well," he pointed out, "but what is it you want me to see in you? Corruption? Petty theft and seduction? I've seen what that does to people. Good people, like my ... like people I knew." He was going to say, 'like my father', but he managed to catch himself ( ... )


black_kittycat August 7 2005, 05:43:17 UTC
"Hawks can see very well," he pointed out, "but what is it you want me to see in you? Corruption? Petty theft and seduction? I've seen what that does to people. Good people, like my ... like people I knew."

Great. Another shallow, mindless, one sided super hero who only understood black and white. Felicia found herself feeling tired. Very tired. Did no one ever understand the greys? As much as Felicia would never admit it, she did want someone to see her as more then an obstacle. Straightening her posture, she glared at him. Pbbbt! She didn't need any such thing. She was perfectly happy.

In a softer voice -- still rendered raspy by the helmet and his inhuman body -- he added, "I don't want any part of that."She didn't answer him. She was done and she was not going to waste another breath or word on him. He was an asshole. Standing slowly, Felicia turned her back on him and used her claws to climb the wall. Moving up into the corner of the room at the ceiling, she used her luck to anchor herself their with her claws. It was a pull ( ... )


darkhawk_xlcr August 9 2005, 05:25:32 UTC
He watched as she turned her back on him, then climbed up the wall with her claws. At first he thought she was looking for a way out of this mess by examining the thick basement wall for any weaknesses. But when she didn't move for a while, he decided she was just trying to get away from him.

Really, he couldn't blame her.

Fine, two could play at that game. He turned back around, sat in a meditative position, closed his eyes, and made himself comfortable. He was sure he could wait her out.

Less than five minutes later...

"Sorry if I insulted you," he tried, finding himself uncharacteristically conversational in the stillness.


black_kittycat August 9 2005, 18:02:35 UTC
The stillness that followed her retreat was welcome if irritating. Felicia kept her eyes closed and concentrated on the nice pull her muscles felt from holding herself up. The silence didn't last long however. Barely five minutes into this nice meditative quiet, more noise sounded from the irritant in the opposite corner.

"Sorry if I insulted you," he tried, finding himself uncharacteristically conversational in the stillness.

Felicia opened her eyes and looked down at him, one eyebrow lifting in surprise. Well.. she hadn't been expecting that. She sighed slightly. Did she have to accept his apology? She decided that she might as well. There was nothing more interesting to do. "You did." She paused for a minute. "And you're forgiven." She watched him quietly for a minute.

"You really aren't sure though are you?" She asked, curiousity driving her mouth. Felicia was refering to being a super hero, and she was pretty sure he knew she was.


darkhawk_xlcr August 13 2005, 18:18:15 UTC
"You did." She paused for a minute. "And you're forgiven." She watched him quietly for a minute.

Darkhawk turned slightly to look at her. Was he actually hearing this? She was forgiving him? He didn't know how to respond. He was so conflicted about everything that he didn't know what to do.

"You really aren't sure though are you?" She asked, curiousity driving her mouth.

"Not sure about...? You mean about being ... this?" He pointed to the jeweled amulet on his chest, which was merged with his Darkhawk body's armor. After a long pause, he sighed. "No. I'm not. I'm not sure about anything."

He found himself silently envious of Black Cat, who seemed overwhelmingly confident and secure about herself, even if she was a thief.


black_kittycat August 15 2005, 00:30:03 UTC
"You really aren't sure though are you?" She asked, curiousity driving her mouth.

"Not sure about...? You mean about being ... this?" He pointed to the jeweled amulet on his chest, which was merged with his Darkhawk body's armor. After a long pause, he sighed. "No. I'm not. I'm not sure about anything."

Felicia watched him from above, her expression more cautiously thoughtful then normal. Perhaps if she took the time to listen to him, and attempted to be nice, they could get closer to getting out of this place. And that was all Felicia cared about... getting out, of course. It wasn't that she actually cared about this ass hole. Really.

"Why not?" She asked him, her voice carefully cautious and exploratory. She hoped he realized that she was restraining herself for once.


wyzeguy August 15 2005, 01:04:12 UTC
"Why not?"

Darkhawk thought about it. "I don't know. I'd actually given up all this superhero stuff until tonight. I left New York after the Avengers disbanded, and I moved out here to get away from that life. It's brought too many bad memories."

He chuckled humorlessly, then continued, finding the need to get all the words out now that he'd started talking. "Hell, I even joined a support group for ex-superheroes. The idea was to become a normal, functioning member of society again. Then the first thing we did? We put on our costumes again and started tracking down some delinquent brats.

"Now I'm stuck in mine."


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