OOC: Important Stuff!

May 26, 2005 23:56

All this is overdue, but ...

First, let's have a nice welcome to our newest players, gee_force and masterofdensity! So now there are three out of four Power Pack kids, including juliepackspower; all we'd need is a Katie Power. *looks at the current Alex/Jack thread* Man, that family's dysfunctional these days...

Anyway, second, the next Game Day has officially begun. Any current threads taking place in the first game day that have yet to be resolved can still be played out. But that also means the characters should continue to move forward in the Day 2 scenes.

Third, Day 2's events as I understand them at this point should work pretty much like this: The Runaways hold a burial ceremony for Future Gertrude's body and prepare to drop Victor off at his house. But meanwhile, Jono returns to the Excelsiors with Jubilee in tow, armed with information about the Runaways' hideout in the La Brea Tar Pits. Ideally, the Excelsiors can then mount a rescue mission to liberate Victor while the Runaways are still at their Hostel. But whether or not it works out that way ... I'm leaving that a bit more open to you players. If you guys think it'd be more fun to have the Excelsiors show up after the Runaways have left the Hostel, we can do it that way.

Fourth, that brings me to the issue with the Excelsiors: they're still a big part of this RPG, so we should see about having them more active. Thatseanguy, Aunt_Abby, you were talking about playing Phil Urich and Ricochet respectively -- if you're still interested in that, send character bios as soon as possible, please. :)

And fifth, you guys rock. This is a great RPG so far, so let's keep this shindig goin'!

Any questions?
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