RPG Intros!

Apr 24, 2015 00:45

This messagio is in the future, because it's an intro thread for all of you all. It should float down your friends pages, but stay atop the community page. Anyway, I'll start us off.

Hi everyone. My name is Abby, (which is actually unrelated to Gert's LJ name, which is the name of a character from "Arsenic and Old Lace") and my regular LJ is at ryuko_midori. I am kind of obsessed with the color green, as well as things like comics, art, and writing. I draw a webcomic, which is admittedly not the highest of all qualities, but is constantly improving and which you can find here.

I got into Runaways through the Marvel Age all ages collection, which was badly edited and made little sense, and then I ordered in the bookies and bought them. Runaways is really what got me back into American comics, because after a brief flirtation with them as a child, I mostly read Japanese comics. Now I'm equal opportunity, though, which makes my wallet sad, but me happy.

I am passionate about comics.

Long ago, I roleplayed on Slayers boards on Yahoo, and then an Escaflowne board. (both anime) I also play a mean game of email D&D. But my roleplaying style is mostly prose-like. I like to roleplay because it keeps my writing skills sharp. I have a weakness for roleplays that rewrite the canon story, but touch on it in certain areas, kind of like skipping a stone across the surface of water. For instance, say we were role-playing the first season of Runaways, maybe circumstances are completely different, like they have enough food from a different adventure or whatever, but they still end up running into Topher and inviting him in for whatever reason. Or, say like what happened just now, where we didn't know there were lasers on the Frog, but it so happened that there were in canon, eventually that would come out. But I'm not picky. I just like it when things move fast!

I tend to have a vision of what's going to happen in an RP and then working towards it, but that sometimes makes me end up being the one who is holding the puppet strings or whatnot. So my goal for this game is to have everyone be an equal participant and no one feel left out or irritated.

Sooo... More questions can arise later, but here's some I think we could answer:

So how about you? Who are you?
What are your interests/hobbies?
How did you find Runaways? What's your favorite part?
What roleplaying experience have you had? What was good or bad about it? How do you roleplay?
What can the other players do to help you and everyone have the best roleplay experience?

Anyone else can ask more questions if they like. :)
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