yaaaaaaaay stef!

Feb 19, 2007 21:37

Man. You know, Stef, you're one of those fangirls who is, you know, AGELESS. Like, I've known you in fandom for so long, and you have consistently been just-short-of-intimidatingly-awesome, that you have lost the human mystique of aging, or, you know, needing oxygen or whatever. Like, in my head, you're too cool to have a birthday.

Yeah, apparently it doesn't work that way. Who knew?

So, okay. Originally I was going to post a Sesame Street/Sports Night crossover. Because Stef is awesome, and Stef likes Sports Night, and I... followed that path logically.

Except it kept getting more complicated, and then it involved pictures, and then it involved me explaining to people who MAKE pictures that no, I didn't know what I wanted, and then it involved me making a mock-up, and then it involved me taking a nap and waking up and deciding my mock-up is not at all what I wanted ANYWAY so clearly it does not work as fic.

But. Um.

Anyway! Because it's your birthday, and you're AWESOME, you can see my crappy, crappy mock-ups of what I did that do not manage to reach the level of tacky for which I was aiming!

(What? It's better than NOTHING.)

(Although, frankly, not by much.)



So! Happy birthday, Stef.

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