What is your birth name: julianne
What is the name everyone calls you: jho, julie, julianne
What gender are you: female
What gender would you rather be: i'm cool the way i am.
What gender do you like better: male :)
Which gender are you more sexually inclined towards? male.
Whats your sign: LEO
Is your sign compatible with me(Taurus): eh one of my best friends is a taurus. but she just does whatever i tell her. usually they're stubborn, and i can't handle that.
Whats your favorite color: green
How old are you: 16
How old do you normally say you are: depends on where i am, but i have older friends so it doesnt really matter
How old do you wish to be: sixteen is pretty solid
How old will you be when you die: young
Some Questions That I Also Want To Know
Name an interesting fact for all of us to know? (Preferably Marijuana Related): REALLY EMBARRASSING, SEXUALLY AWKWARD POT RELATED STORY: i got really stoned with the guy i was hooking up with then got caught by a crowd of people doing sexy things with him a car... it wasn't fun. but it was funny.
How long have you been smoking: for like a year. i was a late bloomer.
Name something that all the world should know about you: i'm really hungry.
Tell us why you smoke weed: to have fun. to relax. to be badass.
Do any other drugs? not yet.
What are they? ^^
You're first time...smoking What did you smoke out of: my friends bowl.
...If you answered a bowl, did you know how to use the carb, if there was a carb on it: my friend taught me, shes so sweet.
How did you feel: i didn't get high, but i like heard voices. and i passed out later cause i was really drunk and had tried absinth for the first time that night.
Do you still smoke with some of the people you smoked with the first time: from time to time, but shes going away to college :(
Did you eat: i drank. and then passed out. no time for eating.
Where were you: haha my house
Did you have a good or bad time: it was a good time.
After the first time you smoked, when was the next time you smoked after that: outside this really cool abandoned building in a forrest area with my best friend and some random people
If you could, would you relive your first smoking experiance? no way!
Another catagory of questions about drugs and general, some about yourself, some not. I like it when you are thorough on you're answers.
What drugs would you do: acid, shrooms, i don't know depends on what im offered. i don't have to buy stuff people drug me up.
What drugs wouldn't you do: i think i wouldn't do E... it burns a hole in your brain man
Whats your favorite drug: um pot? the only drug i've taken.
Would you legalize Marijuana: a horse is a horse is a horse of course!
If you had one wish, what would it be: to fucking ace the SATs in the fall and get a free ride to college so i can blow all the money i've saved up on a trip to europe and clothes. and just have fun! that was oddly specific.
Do your parents know you smoke, even if you don't live with them, still answer the question: haha yeah. i came home high a couple of times and my mom noticed, but didn't really do anything. i would love to smoke a jay with her!!
Whats the weather where you are right now: humid. hot. muggy. gross.
Why do you like Marijuana: it is fun and relaxing.
What is your favorite thing about Marijuana: good times.
What do you call Marijuana: pot
What do you like to smoke Marijuana out of the most (bong, bowl, blunt, etc.): blunts, or a bowl.
Do you smoke by yourself: no
Whats your favorite bands: i have many. listening to pink floyd is nice and cliche while smoking. i like my friends bands blanco nino, schroeders songbook, gentle ben. i like incubus. neil young. rhcp. i like a lot of rock.
Whats your favortie munchie: taco bell. ice cream. mcd's. yodels. anything really.
Are you high right now: no
Are you tired of answering these long questions: a bit
non-pot related pictures:
my bud jimi & i
is it strange that i like this picture because i look like a crackhead?
my best friend & i in the boys bathroom!
my prom date nedwardo & i
doing what i do best! eating at like 5 am after a longgg night
this is happy julianne
at my friends 17th birthday. (i'm in the back center hugging the cute chilean puppy hernan) these are not the people i smoke with. they are soberish kids. my long time friends...
going to my friends showw