
Sep 15, 2005 23:15

What is your birth name: Sarah
What is the name everyone calls you: Sarah
What gender are you: female
What gender would you rather be: female
What gender do you like better: male
Which gender are you more sexually inclined towards? male
Whats your sign: libra
Is your sign compatible with me(Taurus): yes
Whats your favorite color: orange
How old are you: 16
How old do you normally say you are: 16
How old do you wish to be: 20's
How old will you be when you die: 60's or 70's

Some Questions That I Also Want To Know
Name an interesting fact for all of us to know? (Preferably Marijuana Related): marijuana does not kill brain cells, and i have proof.
How long have you been smoking: i think i stole my first joint when i was 8
Name something that all the world should know about you: i'm legally a midget.
Tell us why you smoke weed: i smoke ganj for many different reasons. 1. because it keeps me in an open state of mind, it mentally stabalizes me. 2. for fun 3. to be able to open my mind to new idea's for writing, i have such a vivid imagination when i'm stoned, i could go on and on.
Do any other drugs? yes
What are they? mushrooms and opium.

You're first time...smoking
What did you smoke out of: a joint
...If you answered a bowl, did you know how to use the carb, if there was a carb on it:
How did you feel: i felt really heavy as i recall, like i was falling into the earth. I got lost in my back yard.
Do you still smoke with some of the people you smoked with the first time: why yes, yes i do.
Did you eat: i can't remember really.
Where were you: in my back yard, or the woods if you prefer.
Did you have a good or bad time: good
After the first time you smoked, when was the next time you smoked after that: uhm..probably when i stole another one of mom's joints.
If you could, would you relive your first smoking experiance?: sure, i guess they say that the first time is the best.

Another catagory of questions about drugs and general, some about yourself, some not. I like it when you are thorough on you're answers.
What drugs would you do: marijuana, opium, and mushrooms.
What drugs wouldn't you do: everything else
Whats your favorite drug: all 3 of them.
Would you legalize Marijuana: yes i would, marijuana is no harm to society, it's alcohol that these jackass's should be worried about.
If you had one wish, what would it be: to live in a fantasy world.
Do your parents know you smoke, even if you don't live with them, still answer the question: yes
Whats the weather where you are right now: cold
Why do you like Marijuana: because it's a beautiful way to escape this so called world.
What is your favorite thing about Marijuana: the way it makes me think about life in general, i'm so much more in tune with myself when i am baked.
What do you call Marijuana: herb, ganj, the cheeb, greenery, pot, reefer, marijuana, nuggets.
What do you like to smoke Marijuana out of the most (bong, bowl, blunt, etc.): bong.
Do you smoke by yourself: i don't prefer it, but if no one is around then yes.
Whats your favorite bands: Simon and Garfunkel, Pink Floyd, The Beatles, Led Zeppelin, Jefferson Airplane, CSNY, Strawberry Alarmclock, Buffalo Springfield, Bob Dylan, Country Joe and The Fish, Janis Joplin, Jimi Hendrix Experience, Bob Marley, The Grateful Dead, The Who, The Doors, etc.
Whats your favortie munchie: pizza or bagels, or fresh veggies out of the garden. ice cream, cheeto's, pannukakkua, cheese, etc.
Are you high right now: quite stoned, and trippin.
Are you tired of answering these long questions: something to do.

Sorry for the delay on the photo's, i'm physically unable to get out of my seat.
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