Drabbles: cmpromptmeme round 4 (lyrics)

Feb 06, 2012 23:09

Title: Leave It Unspoken
Author: freakingdork
Rating: FRC/PG
Characters: Prentiss
Word Count: 138
Warnings: hints of emotional/verbal abuse
Summary: nothing that i do, will ever be enough for you


She never mentions him and she wonders what exactly people assume about her father. Do they think he's dead or just absent? The latter can be proven by a simple Google search, but there are times when she wonders if the former would hurt less.

A corpse can't be disappointed; it can't threaten to disown you for mediocre grades and it can't make you feel like rebelling is the only way to preserve your sense of self.

Dead men can't belittle your accomplishments.

The divorce was filed as irreconcilable differences, but for people in the public eye, it's often just an excuse used to mask the truth. The press speculated about what it meant, most assuming an affair. They never came close to the answer and that's just fine with her.


Title: Love Illuminated
Author: freakingdork
Rating: FRC/PG
Pairing: Morgan/Reid
Word Count: 385
Summary: you'll be alright, no one can hurt us now, come morning light, you and i'll be safe and sound


Nights are always difficult for him.

In the dark, shadows hide demons and men, one in the same. Too often, his mind plays tricks and sleep only brings cryptic references to a past he'd rather forget.

Derek tells JJ and Reid that he's not afraid of the dark. It's a baldfaced lie - when they're forced to share hotel rooms, he'll pick Reid every time. He doesn't have to explain, doesn't even have to reveal that he still sleeps with a light on.

One night stands don't ask questions; he makes sure he doesn't stick around long enough for them to know the question even exists. But when Derek falls into a relationship with Reid, he assumes it won't be a problem.

For awhile, it isn't.

The first time they settle in for the night at Reid's apartment, it's three months in. He gets up to turn on the hall light, only to be pulled back into bed. "I only need the light on in new places and hotel rooms," Spencer mumbles, snuggling closer. "Pretty soon, I won't even need a light on at your place."

He doesn't sleep that night, just lays there listening to Reid's breathing, even and sure, wondering how much time he can buy before he has to brave the darkness just to be with someone he loves.

Apparently, his lack of sleep shows more than he hoped it would because Derek feels Reid watching him the next day, a quizzical look plastered to his face. He tries to ignore it, despite the fact that he knows Reid will search until he finds what he's looking for. They're on a case a week later, sharing a room, and when Derek flips the bathroom light on for the night, understanding flickers across Reid's face.

Most nights, it's Reid who turns on the bedside lamp, protecting him from the ghosts that linger, but he never questions Derek when he gets to it first.

He's sure that one day his lover's arms will be enough to lull him into a peaceful slumber, but until then, he's just glad to be with someone who's willing to defend him from the darkness.


Title: Ineloquence And Anger
Author: freakingdork
Rating: FRC/PG
Pairing: Prentiss/Reid
Word Count: 283
Summary: it's beginning to get to me, that i know more of the stars and sea, than i do of what's in your head


People often comment on her ability to compartmentalize, but it seems to her that Reid is far better at keeping his feelings hidden. There are times when people take him by surprise, but now that they're closer, she notices that more often than not his supposed surprise is Reid playing off people's expectations.

It shouldn't come as a epihany, not really. They're a guarded bunch and with the years of bullying and fearing CPS taking him away and dealing with his mother's accusations of being a spy, logically it should be more shocking that he appears to be so open.

She'd hoped that as their relationship grew, that he'd let her in, but for the longest time, it seemed like he resisted closeness even more vehemently. Even though she knows where it comes from, it's still grating that her lover doesn't fully trust her.

They were finally making steady progress before she had to die until Doyle could be caught.

Now that she's back...well, she knew better than to expect that they'd be able to pick up right where they left off, but being treated to two different people is depressing. The one at work or when they’re around other people reminds her of the old Spencer, playful and sweet, while the one in front of her right now is cold and distant.

“You didn’t trust that the team could help. Fuck Prentiss, you couldn’t even trust me enough to tell me what was happening. All that talk about being open and honest, did you even mean any of it?”

It’s a question she realizes she doesn’t have an answer for.

other: meme, character: emily prentiss, pairing: prentiss/reid, length: 500 or less, rating: frc, series: drabbles, pairing: morgan/reid, fanfic: criminal minds

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