Well about a little under two weeks ago, icicle33 and I STARTED writing. We had everything outlined pretty well...but...yeah. I'm having trouble with one of my scenes...and I'm totally in an AS/S mood, which makes it really difficult to write Lucius/James! So, in any case, we're trudging along. We should have most of it done by tomorrow. We both work best under pressure.
I'm just trying to come up with a good lengthy plot. I've read so much of the same type of stuff for Harry/Scorpius. I think I want to go through some Harry/Scorp fest prompts and see if anything inspires me. I know I want to bring back my bitchy Dominique and Roxanne that I did in one of my fics. Because I love bitchy Weasley girls.
And we can totally be writing buddies no matter what. :)
Yay! You guys can do it, I'm sure. And I understand about being in a mood for something else though.
LOL. I stole the idea from the hpsmfest. I was supposed to do it for that fest, but I couldn't get it done in time. I'm writing a Quidditch fic. haha. But I'm sure you can find one in the prompts, there are so many good ones.
Sweet! If you ever want to talk about any of your fics or want to come up with ideas or whatever, I'm always here!
OMG you're doing a Harry/Scorpius for NGBB? I'm thinking of doing one too!!!
So are you submitting the entire completed rough draft for LBB or just part of it tomorrow?
My entire 10k rough draft. It's becoming longer than I expected. haha. How are you going with yours, darling? :)
Well about a little under two weeks ago, icicle33 and I STARTED writing. We had everything outlined pretty well...but...yeah. I'm having trouble with one of my scenes...and I'm totally in an AS/S mood, which makes it really difficult to write Lucius/James! So, in any case, we're trudging along. We should have most of it done by tomorrow. We both work best under pressure.
I'm just trying to come up with a good lengthy plot. I've read so much of the same type of stuff for Harry/Scorpius. I think I want to go through some Harry/Scorp fest prompts and see if anything inspires me. I know I want to bring back my bitchy Dominique and Roxanne that I did in one of my fics. Because I love bitchy Weasley girls.
And we can totally be writing buddies no matter what. :)
LOL. I stole the idea from the hpsmfest. I was supposed to do it for that fest, but I couldn't get it done in time. I'm writing a Quidditch fic. haha. But I'm sure you can find one in the prompts, there are so many good ones.
Sweet! If you ever want to talk about any of your fics or want to come up with ideas or whatever, I'm always here!
Yay Quidditch! There was one about amnesia that I liked...I do enjoy exploring infidelity, so that could be fun.
Okay, off to write before bedtime...
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