theatrical_muse 215 - Impossible

Feb 03, 2008 21:15


Maybe it was just the hormones. Maybe Juno was going a little pregnant-crazy. Or maybe it was deeper than that. Maybe it was deeper than anything she'd ever experienced before in her life. Maybe it was bigger and wider and vaster than she'd ever understand.

Maybe it was impossible.

She had found the perfect couple for her baby. At the time they first met, she didn't care who they were. They were going to take away the fetus that would soon develop and grow into an actual miniature person, no questions asked. Juno was going to get to continue living her life as an ill-equipped teenager and Vanessa and Mark would be able to live their lives as the parents they had always wanted to be. It all seemed so stable. It had all seemed so certain. And then, it crumbled.

When Mark told Juno that he was going to be leaving his wife, Juno felt her entire body start to shake. She felt her heart race like Paulie around the track. The baby kicked her insides like he was trying to break free from his cage. She felt her hands shivering. Her breath turning shallow. How could this happen? He'd been in love with her when they had gotten married. Why did things have to change? How did those things change?

Maybe it was impossible for two people to stay in love. Maybe things always changed, always faded, no matter how hard anyone tried to stop it. Maybe love was just a fleeting thing that people opted into for convenience. Maybe it was just another sad reality that Juno had to come to terms with.

Her eyes swollen with tears, Juno pulled over on the side of the road on her trip back to her house. That's how she knew that it wasn't just the pregnant hormones - she had the sound mind to pull over so that she didn't harm her or the baby. There wasn't any need for both of them to go up in a fiery flame of glory.

Her hands curled around her engorged belly as she felt the baby kick, as if it knew what was going on. The vocal manifestation of all of her emotions forced its way up her throat and out of her mouth as she looked down to her stomach. All she could say was,

"I'm sorry." It came out riding on the backs of quivering breaths as her mind reeled all of what she'd just witnessed.

Laying on the hood of her Previa outside of Honey and Milk, things finally clicked. Maybe things were impossible in a whole lot of ways. Maybe things like love did fade over time. But, at the same time .. maybe things were turning out exactly as they were supposed to.

Character l Juno MacGuff
Fandom l Movies (Juno)
Word Count l 468

theatricalmuse, vanessa, baby, mark

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