Mar 07, 2008 22:18
I don't want it to end. I had a great spring break (well, up until tonight). I had fun, relaxed, read a good book, enjoyed great company, and, most important of all, didn't have to work. Tomorrow starts me going back to work at 11am. I don't want to go back. While I miss the people, I don't miss the job. I know I'll be bored if I don't go back to work soon, but knowing that I've had a whole week of not working and no classes has been amazing. Maybe it's just my mood now, but I don't want it to end.
Home was pretty nice, although it got annoying near the end (think: obnoxious ugly dog and a nagging mother all day). It was good to see everybody, and even better to relax. I missed the apartment, though. After a doctor's appointment and getting some much needed groceries, I headed back to the apartment. Elise and I did our thing (America's Next Top Model, anyone?). It felt great to be back here, back at home.
Highlights of this week (not including no work and no classes): Cincinnati, being with the people I love (both in Cincinnati and at home), and finally, finally getting around to reading a novel again. Finishing "I Am Legend" up tomorrow :)
Now I'm in my quiet room (minus the neighbors). I should go to bed soon, but I just can't. I don't know what else to do though. I'm just in this slump again, that I can't get out of...again.
Don't you hate it when you're just in a mood where all your failures and things you regret just come back at you with a vengeance? Yeah, that's about right...