x. 1. pick out one of ur scars howd u get it? i have one on my hand where my dog bit me
x. 2. whats on the walls in ur room? tons of pictures
x. 3. would u rather play or watch football? play
x. 4. what sport would u say ur best at? i try to be good at volleyball
x. 5. whats ur worst nightmare? dying
x. 6. what do u do for exercise? spend a day with my cousins
x. 7. apples or oranges? apples
x. 8. grapes or watermelon? grapes
x. 9. wolves or tigers? tigers
x. 10. what kind of music do u listen to? anything except girl country singers
x. 11. have u ever written poetry? im not a writer
x. 13. do u remember birthdays? most
x. 14. do u know what time u were born? no
x. 15. do u have a birthmark, where? i have one on the back of my neck
x. 16. would u call urself a romantic person? no
x. 17. whats the weirdest thing u ever did? im really weird
x. 18. what were u doing before taking this? figuring out how my online class works and talking to steveo
x. 19. whats ur favorite gum? orbit
x. 20. favorite chocolate? chocolate milk
x. 21. favorite non-chocolate candy? twizzlers
x. 22. chocolate or vanilla ice cream? vanilla
x. 23. do u own any leather? no
x. 24. favorite cologne? the stuff from hollister, omg
x. 25. favorite perfume? love spell
x. 26. do u own an instrument? i lost my flute
x. 27. first thing u notice on the opposite sex? laugh
x. 28. whats ur favorite smell? fresh chocolate chip cookies
x. 29. favorite oftenly heard sound? laughs
x. 30. what are you thinking right now? why did i sleep all day, now im going to be up all night and kenny isnt even online so i cant talk to him :(
x. 31. do you get claustrophobic? at times
x. 32. could u ever see urself moving somewhere other than where u are now? heck yes
x. 33. whats ur favorite disney movie of all time? the little mermaid
x. 34. whats ur favorite song of all time? scotty emerick-i cant take you anywhere && queen-somebody to love
x. 35. what was ur favorite color when u were ten? pink
x. 36. what color eyes do u have? hazel
x. 37: do u or have u ever slept with a stuffed animal? no
x. 38. if so whats/what was its name?
x. 39. who was ur first crush when u were little? tony molaroni
x. 40. most embarassing moment when u were little? in second grade, we were watching some movie and i cried and wouldnt leave class until my mom came and got me
x. 41. what kind of hair do u like in the opposite sex?: no preference
x. 42. what attracts u to the opposite sex?: sense of humor. i need to laugh.
x. 43. which friend of the same sex have u known the longest? debbie, shes my only friend
x. 44. opposite?
x. 45. whats their birthday? oct 9
x. 46. sunrise or sunset? both
x. 47. where at? the beach
x. 48. for the ladies be truthful where can u see urself gettin proposed to at? no clue
x. 49. gentlemen..where can u see urself gettin proposed?
x. 50. what is your favorite movie that was big this year? i saw kicking and screaming, that was pretty good. i dont really remember any other movies ive seen
x. 57. where can u see urself goin on a honeymoon? europe
x. 58. can u play an instrument? used to play flute, im also a drummer in a band :D
x. 59. can u speak a different language? some french, i want to speak french fluently..in time
x. 60. what was the first gift u ever recieved from the opposite sex? chris foxhall gave me a necklace on the playground in 5th grade
x. 61. whose your favorite singer ? i love singers
x. 62. favorite bands? queen, def leppard, lucky boys confusion, the matches, foriegner, and more
x. 63. what kind of books do u like to read ? omg, i need to start reading
x. 64. do u like poetry? i love it
x. 65. how do u like ur coffee? tonssss of sugar
x. 66. what phrase did u just use? the last thing i said? i told my brother bye and to be careful
x. 67. dragons or dinosaurs? dino
x. 68. would u fall in love knowing the person was leaving ? can you really help if you fall in love?
x. 69. whats the best way to tell someone u like them? just do it, nike swoosh
x. 71. type a number one to a hundred: one
x. 72. blondes, redheads, or brunettes?:
x. 73. would u prefer to go ice skating or roller skating? ive never been ice skating, so thats my choice
x. 74. whats the one number u call often? kennyg
x. 75. what annoys u the most? when people chew with their mouth open
x. 76. have u ever dialed the person who u like number and hung up? no
umm lets see. i started school. thats good. work is dramatic but tony works with us now so im really happy about that. hes cool. he got me a foam finger thing from the cubs game. ilea left here on monday, it was sad. i miss her. i love talking online. but i havent talked to debbie in agesssss. i need her..im trying to figure a lot of things out. and trying to change everything i hate about myself. in time, as the kids say. omg i cant believe i just said that. kenny is taking over my mind. seriously. i have decided my next trip to michigan will be around new years. rian will be there, goshh i miss him. i just want to hug him, it wont be weird at all. lol. oh crap, my aunts birthday is saturday. i need to get her something. yeah, im done.