7th inning

Mar 14, 2010 23:13

[Filtered to non-drones. Scout sounds very serious, pretty different from his usual perky self.]I ain't been here long, but I've heard that a lot of crazy shit has gone on in this town before I got here. I want details. I wanna know what happened. I wanna put together any clues ya got in order to figure out who the hell is responsible so we can ( Read more... )

serious scout is serious, action, yay presents, the time for action is now

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unless_itsafarm March 15 2010, 03:20:28 UTC
... You've got brass balls, city boy. I'll give you that.


freakinblur March 15 2010, 11:38:25 UTC
.... someone around here's gotta be the one to get their shit in gear. May as well be me.


unless_itsafarm March 15 2010, 12:11:57 UTC
I will make this as perfectly clear as I can... this CEASEFIRE boils my blood like nothing else. I would sooner cut off your hand than shake it, BLU.

... but I'd rather do that on a real battlefield. Away from all these civilians.

You ladies will get our support. But one false move and I'll blow you right out of the sky, maggot. And don't you think for a moment I won't.


freakinblur March 15 2010, 13:03:22 UTC
You think I'M thrilled about it? An' that I ain't thinkin' the exact same goddamn thing? But we both know it ain't what we need right now. We can worry about blowin' each others brains out once we get back. Fer now, let's worry about blowin' the brains outta whoever's in charge 'a this place.


unless_itsafarm March 15 2010, 21:16:14 UTC
You would have done well to shut the hell up at word one, short pants.


freakinblur March 15 2010, 21:32:19 UTC
[There's a facepalm happening on the other side of the phone right now]

Yeah. Right. Silly me tryin' ta be reasonable.


unless_itsafarm March 16 2010, 01:47:50 UTC
I do not give two shits about your explanations for anything, you feces devouring maggot scumbag. Spare me your "reasonable" nonsense and don't get in my way.


freakinblur March 16 2010, 01:54:22 UTC
....Yep. Cannot WAIT to leave yer sorry ass behind in this dump! [He hangs up on you.]


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