7th inning

Mar 14, 2010 23:13

[Filtered to non-drones. Scout sounds very serious, pretty different from his usual perky self.]I ain't been here long, but I've heard that a lot of crazy shit has gone on in this town before I got here. I want details. I wanna know what happened. I wanna put together any clues ya got in order to figure out who the hell is responsible so we can ( Read more... )

serious scout is serious, action, yay presents, the time for action is now

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followyouthere March 15 2010, 03:16:55 UTC
[Yay presents, indeed! Margot's stopping by Scout's house on her way to the hospital, all done up in her uniform, blech.

She rings the bell, looking a bit disgruntled, but that's not anything new, really.]


freakinblur March 15 2010, 03:34:01 UTC
[When he answers the door, he can't help but chuckle at her uniform.] Holy shit kid, what the hell is THAT? Ain't it just yer lucky day then. C'mere.

[He'll show her inside to the kitchen where he has a bunch of various sports clothes laid out in BLU team colors. There's hats in there too.]

I uh, I had no idea what exactly you'd want, it ain't like we got an official uniform 'r nothin', but I got what I could. I hope they fit. Didn't know what ya wore so I had ta guess. So pick out whatcha want. I can get ya sneakers, too, if ya want.

Oh yeah! [He runs off into another room for a moment, and comes back with a baseball bat.] There's this too. Whatcha think, kid?


1/2 followyouthere March 15 2010, 03:39:38 UTC
I have a job, okay.


2/2 followyouthere March 15 2010, 03:41:56 UTC
[And that is when she sees the rest, eyes lighting up.]

You seriously got this for me?

[Her tone is incredulous, but there's a huge grin on her face.]

-- Wait, what are sneakers?


freakinblur March 15 2010, 11:34:01 UTC
[He points at his own sneakers.] Can't have ya runnin' around in that ones you got on! No way you can get good speed in those things.

Hey, ask an' you shall receive! Told ya I'm a man 'a my word.


followyouthere March 16 2010, 02:03:35 UTC
[The look on her face clearly says 'oh' when she sees the sneakers.

She'll be poking at the clothing as they talk, eventually settling on a blue jersey and black shorts.]

So what do you guys do, anyway?


freakinblur March 16 2010, 02:15:49 UTC
[He plops down in one of the kitchen chairs.] The quick explanation? We're mercenaries for Builder's League United. BLU. Our rivals are RED. Everyone's got their specialties, but mine? I run fast, I jump high, I steal yer secret crap an' I'll break ya head in if ya get in my way. [He grins.] Best damn job in tha world.

[The grin fades though, and he frowns.] The problem is.... we called a ceasefire with tha REDs. Fer now, anyway. Can't guarantee it's gonna last long.


followyouthere March 16 2010, 02:43:58 UTC
[Taking a seat on one of your counters!] I'm guessing everyone has a specialty?

Well. If they start any trouble, we can just hammer them into the ground. They seem pretty useless, anyway, right? I mean, they didn't think of the hot air balloon.


freakinblur March 16 2010, 02:52:20 UTC
Yep! Engie's our tech guy, Sniper can shoot a guy from like 5 miles away, an' Spy... well, he's Spy. Backstabbin' S.O.B...

That's right. Buncha useless sacks sittin' around, waitin' for this town to pull more of its sick games on 'em. Not me, kid. I'm gettin' us outta here one way or anothah.


followyouthere March 16 2010, 02:54:33 UTC
[It's on the tip of her tongue to tell him about her sister, but she holds it back. This is going to make the getting home thing tricky.]

Yeah, well. Now you've got a weaver on the team, at least here, and when I get my magic back, they had better not start anything.


freakinblur March 16 2010, 03:12:46 UTC
Magic, huh? Hell, the REDs'll never see that shit coming! You seriously do magic? That's pretty awesome.


followyouthere March 16 2010, 03:54:27 UTC
Yeah. It's pretty common where I'm from. I'm still surprised it's not used often in most other places.


freakinblur March 16 2010, 11:33:33 UTC
Yeah, it's pretty much the stuff outta movies 'n' books where I come from. Hey, if I teach ya to swing a bat, can ya show me a coupla spells sometime? Show me, like, how to turn the REDs inta frogs 'r somethin'? [He laughs]


followyouthere March 16 2010, 20:14:17 UTC
Yeah, definitely!


Yeah. She just giggled. The world ends now.]

Nah. I was never good with transformation spells. Some people can do it, others can't.

I'm a lot better with things to do with the elements. You know, fire, wind, stuff like that.


freakinblur March 17 2010, 02:17:26 UTC
Hey that sounds fine too! Zat mean, like, I send a flood after Pyro, or zap Soldier in the ass with lightning 'n' stuff? That sounds pretty damned good too!


followyouthere March 17 2010, 02:23:51 UTC
Pretty much~


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