52nd Inning (Stage One)

Jul 13, 2011 17:01

[Filtered phone call to non-drone types]

Awright. I don't care if this gets me droned, or thinkin' I'm a commie all of a sudden or whatever the fuck is happenin' this week.

I just wanna say this: I am a cop, an' I ain't arrestin' anyone for being a goddamn Commie. Unless that Russia guy or whatever still lives in this town, there ain't no Commies. Got it? Now all of ya need ta get off the freakin' phone lines talkin' about people ya murdered or cookies ya stole or whatever the fuck. Jeez.

An' if I do start arrestin' people, ya know it ain't my fault. Mayfield did somethin' ta me. Look guys, I've been here way too long, an' I know how this shit works. Get off the phones, rip the cord outta tha wall, and hide down in yer basement 'r somethin'. Cuz when all the drones are even actin' nervous? Shit's gonna hit the fan for real.

screw you grady, i am a goddamn mercenary after all, serious scout is serious, event: speak up, mayfield must die, officer mccann?, master planner

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