49th Inning

Jun 14, 2011 12:02

[So what happens when Scout has too many drinks at the bar, wanders outside, feels a bit bored and spots a phone booth? CRANK CALLS. That's what.

Except that he's too drunk to even finish his jokes, and he finds himself *hilarious*. So he only gets to start his "jokes" before dissolving into laughter and giggles.

He's just dialing numbers at random, so there's a chance that he's called YOU!]

Hey! Hey! I'm lookin' for a guy. Named I.P. I mean, Freely. I.P. Freely. Get it?! Hahaha! Or how about... Seymour Butts. That's even better!

muahahaha, what is this i don't even, is your refridgerator running, cpt immaturity strikes again

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