[Oh boy, regains! Scout always looks forward to getting things in the mail - for him, it's usually cool weapons, a neat hat... but not today, Mayfield. Today Scout pulls out from the mailbox a thin manila envelope. He's disappointed it's not some giant package, but he hastily rips it open to see what's inside. And what's inside can only be described as an extended Mayfield April Fools Joke.
It's full of rather, shall we say,
scandalous, compromising photos of a certain enemy Spy and Scout's mom. There's a long moment of Scout standing on the lawn staring at these, eyes wide and unbelieving, before the inevitable flip-out. Everyone on Mitchell Road can hear the endless stream of Southie-style profanities that suddenly erupt from house 1451.
Once he stops screaming at no one, Scout runs into the garage. After a few moments, he's out on the driveway with a metal trash can, some matches and lighter fluid. It's bonfire time.
Feel free to interrupt him at any point! Be warned, though, his temper is something fierce, and he's not about to share what he has.]
[Later, once he's calmed down and all the photos are disposed of, Scout will get on the phone!]
So, it's spring! And there's a whole lotta new people in town again. Well, welcome ta Mayfield, it sucks, enjoy yer stay. Anyway, spring means baseball season and I know a lotta youse guys are already interested in playin'. I wanna get at least enough fer two full teams. That means at least 9 ta be on the field, plus a coupla extras just in case. Let's say 20 people. Anyone can play, I don't care if ya totally suck, 'r don't even got baseball thanks ta whatever the hell kinda crazy world ya come from. If ya wanna learn, whenever I ain't bein' yer friendly police officer, I'll be at tha park. I can teach ya ta play. My name's Scout.
[Anyone interested will indeed find him there when he's not on police duty! Okay, even sometimes when he IS on duty, too. He has a lovely habit of practicing batting by just knocking balls down the street and into the neighborhood, not caring what they hit. Approach?]