Fr34k1n' Sw33t!!

Sep 03, 2004 16:32

Name: Penelope Maria Jordan Darkins
Age: 15
Sex: Female
Location: East Strousberg Pennsylvania
Dating status: Single and hating it =(
Tell us something interesting about yourself: Im 100% Irish , i was born in London England, im left handed , i skipped a grade and im a new years baby

Opinions On...

Abortion: i dont agree. i think killing an innocent baby because of your foolishness is rong. under one circumstance is abortion allowed is if a woman was raped and didnt have the money to support the baby.
Same Sex Marriages: I agree completly.. why should ppl who have different points of views be hated? love who you want . why should they no be married? if you love someone you love them the same way a man and woman love each other therefore it should be the same way to prove there love for each other by gettin married.
Drugs: i dont do ne sort of drug because im just to scarred lol.. call me a loser its okay.. if you want to drugs fine but dont over do it and become a crack head on the corner of the street begging for pennys be responsible and now when to stop
Religion: I believe in god but i dont think u need to go to chruch to prove in your beliefs
Abstinance: I agree but i probably would never be able to do that , but i think the girls and guys that do that i have so much respect for them
The War Against Terrorism: i dont believe in war call me a hippy lol


5 or more favorite bands: taking back sunday , stray light run , something corporate , fallout boy , and brand new
5 or more favorite movies: unfaithful , cruel intentions , men of honour , radio , and freaky friday lol
3 or more favorite books(ones that you weren't forced to read): harry potter ALL 5 =) and Stranger with my face
Favorite actor: Richard Gere
Favorite actress: Lindsay Korman (Theresa from Passions {the soap opera})
Your Greatest achievement:
Make us laugh: i broke my ankle one time when i tripped over my shoe and i wore that shoe to the hospital
Promote us to a user/community & post the link here:
Why do you think you are Freakin' Sweet? CAUSE I LOVE LOVE LOVE FAMILY GUY I WATCH IT EVERY NIGHT ON CARTOON NETWORK :-P at 11 oclock =)

Place Pictures Here
(at least 3 clear shots+ one 200x200 pic in case you are accepted):
im sorry currently have no pictures saved on my computer but i do have them on a link

sorry if this is an inconvience =(
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