Fr34k1n' Sw33t!!

Aug 31, 2004 15:48

Name: Ruth
Age: 18
Sex: female
Location: Michigan
Dating status: taken by Scott

Tell us something interesting about yourself: both of my parents are deaf so I can do sign language pretty well.

Opinions On...

Abortion: I'm pro-choice, but people shouldn't use it as birth control. I think that the choice should be there and if people want to take advantage of it, they should. But if they don't, they shouldn't make other people follow their wishes.
Same Sex Marriages: It's love, no matter what. Let whoever they want get married. It's funny, because the same politicians people that say gays are bad are the same people who believe racism is bad. It's the same damn thing. Accept people for their differences.
Drugs: I'm sXe but if others want to do them, it's their choice.
Religion: I'm Catholic, but I believe all religions should be the right ones for that person (if you believe in heaven, you'll go there. If you believe in a different place, you'll go there, etc) and people should believe in some kind of higher power. If a person doesn't, however, they aren't bad people. It's all about personal choices.
Abstinance: I practice it because I don't want to take the risks. To others, it is an expression of love or a way to release themselves so that's all right as well.
The War Against Terrorism: Why are we out there? It's like Vietnam all over again. Bush rushed us in there without explaining anything and only because he thought there were WMDs in there. There was no proof. Now we've freed a country where some are grateful but others are over there killing more innocent soldiers and we're killing innocent civilians. There was no need for this killing to happen.

5 or more favorite bands: Reel Big Fish, Unwritten Law, Anberlin, Weakerthans, Something Corporate, the Rat Pack singers (Frank, Dean and Sammy), Emery, The Used, The Movielife (R.I.P.)
5 or more favorite movies: When Harry Met Sally, Pulp Fiction, Jackie Brown, American Beauty, Casablanca
3 or more favorite books(ones that you weren't forced to read): Little Women, Angela's Ashes, Harry Potter & the Sorceror's Stone
Favorite actor: Alec Baldwin, always and forever. :)
Favorite actress: Lindsay Lohan, because she's not a twig and she's somewhat different from a lot of the other teen actresses.
Your Greatest achievement: Graduating ninth overall in my graduating class of 250.
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Why do you think you are Freakin' Sweet? Because I like myself and accept everyone else for who they are. And because I like socks and Ford Aerostars

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