Flickerstick 4/21/04 Newport Music Hall, Columbus, OH
These brownies are mighty fine.
My quarter is officially over. I took my Logic final tonight, and I think it went fairly well. Hopefully, I have an A- or a B+ secured in that class. I know for sure I got an A in Educational Psych. My Communications class, however...
Let me just start off by saying that THIS IS A 101 LEVEL CLASS. Not COMS 498, it's COMS *101*. Anywho, yeah. The prof for that class is the biggest asshole I have ever met in my life. I mean, the man is a bigger asshole than goatse. We took three quizes in the class. He didn't grade any of them. You know why? He didn't like our handwriting, so he didn't want to waste his time. FOR ALL THREE OF THEM. I think my handwriting is fairly pretty, actually. But when we actually turned them in, he'd go through them, call out someone's name, then read their answers and make fun of them and tell them how stupid they are.
So, our final grade in the class depended all on the final exam. That's the only grade we will have gotten in there. He gives us this 25 page review sheet and says "this are old finals from previous classes. Study it." All week long, I look. And look. And look. Read practically the whole book from cover to cover, and can find maybe three of the answers. A bunch of us tried to ask him a few questions before class started, and he basically flat out told us that he wasn't answering questions, because our questions are stupid, and we "should have read the material". Oh, and here's the real kicker... The last question on the test read:
50. How do you spell my first name?
A) Sean
B) Shaun
C) Shawn
D) None of the above.
As I was walking out the door, he asked me, "What'd ya put for the last one?" I glared at him and said, "Oh, my option wasn't listed." He just kinda laughed, and told me "My FIRST name is Christopher". ... WTF? You don't put fucking trick questions on FINAL EXAMS that are worth your ENTIRE GRADE. That's just wrong. And to top it off, he didn't even give us evaluations to fill out.
I was gonna make a big 'ol entry, but now I'm tired of typing.. and my belly is full of moist, chewy brownies and ice cold, smooth skim milk. Mmmm.