Feb 19, 2005 09:27
Hi! I'm sick with this stupid sinus infection that everyone must have caught already. It sucks so bad. Last night at work I had the WORST sinus headache and it was Friday night so there was a DJ and music blasting right next to the birthday party rooms. And it was absolutely slammed so I had to walk with hands full of plates of food to serve through a sea of kids dancing and jumping around and it was horrible.
But I got some sinus medication after work and now I don't have the headache anymore :) But my nose is all runny. Anddddd I have to work ALL day today. I get there at like 11 or 11:30 and my last party is at 7:30 which means I won't be getting out until like 9:30 or 10!!! I hate those damn people who book late ass parties. !@#)($*&(%^@#$!
Anywaysssssss, besides being sick, I guess not much else has been going on. I just corrected my FAFSA cause my mom and I forgot to put down our child support that we (she) received...so now my Estimated Family Contribution went UP even though my mom isn't giving me jack shit when I'm in college anyways. errrrrr.
I'm sooooo in loveeeee. Chris wrote me a beautiful song for Valentine's Day and recorded it on cassette because he got a new 4-track mixing board for his birthday. So on the song it's his voice, acoustic guitar, and bass guitar. It's so pretty =)
Anywho, I finna go. Take a shower and hopefully drain all these nasty ass gooey boogers out of my nose. EW. sorry.