Oct 31, 2004 20:32
ok so where to begin... me
ant bunero
ron k
dave cortez
lou bruno and all of us were trick or treating in holly oaks. its prolly around 7:30 and we are all going to our cars a the park and a cop pulls up and parks in the entrance of the park and sits like 30 feet away from everyone with his bright ass search light directly in our faces. he has it shining for about 15 mintues and eventualy i walk over thier and politely say did we do anything wrong can u stop shining the light in our eyes and he screams "back away fromt he car" and shines the light in my face, im liek that light is the most obnoxious thing i have ever seen get it out of my face. he goes "im doing my job" so i say and and what if im epileptic and have a fuckin siezure becouse of you. so he flips out and screams how bout u stop being a wise ass give me your id
so i hand him my liscence and he amkes me stay thier with the light still in ym fukin face, i sit on the ground and eat my candy for 10 minutes and he goes ok u can go and i say thank you officer have a nice day and he drives over to the opposite side of the park and shines the light in our faces anyway.
now becouse of the asshole cop being a dick and staring us down we cant drive away cuz everyone has too many ppl in the car so alot of us walk and were gunna meet back at the aprk in 10 minutes dave drives away with ron and shane in the car and me lally bunero and caleb are watching and we see the cop being a dick and fallowing dave down the street and then he pulls him over. lally calls rons cell and ronn says the cop said dave flicked the ash of his ciggarete out the window and thats littering and then gave hima ticket for that and for having air freshaner on his mirror, me and caleb walk to the cop and the cop screamed at us to back away from teh car so me and caleb jsut trick or treat at all the hosues right around the car we sit on somebodys lawn waiting and whistle loudly the american history x song and guess wha tthe cop does he shines his fukin light on us some more and we jsut smile ...i hate this guy, we had to wait a half hr while he wrote the ticket then we got in the car and drove home but the cop was the biggest asshoe i have ever met in ym life he even told dave to thank his friend (me) for being a wise ass and thats y he wrote dave a ticket. god do i fukin hate pigs