Feb 08, 2015 13:06
So I'm on day 3 of "how much pain can I take". Surprisingly, my wisdom tooth socket is only slightly present. It hasn't given me any trouble, but my face looks like celebrity gone wild at the collagen injection clinic. The new gums look pretty, I can't brush them yet so they feel really weird. The front teeth are super loose, which worries me and makes me talk funny and eat even funnier. But pain meds are my friends these days. Which sucks because I had the wrong ones at work yesterday. I had the remainder of Pastry's oxytocin and a half bottle of Motrin. I had grabbed my hydrocodone but forgot to put it in my bag. Needless to say, when I got home I ran to the bottle, downed 2, and then hopped into my Saturday night ritual bath to relax. It irritated me because it meant I missed my co-worker's after-wedding party for the staff. I wanted to go. But was napping on and off by the time her party started. Pastry set me up with Netflix on his game system and I spent the majority of it watching Blue Bloods. But I am thankful to a husband who asked what I wanted to eat, and when I said Velveeta mac 'n cheese he went to the store, blinked at the price, and got the fixings to make home made mac 'n cheese instead.
I purposely kept my work days slow, but even with my spaced out schedule on Saturday, I think I over-did it. Had several talkative clients and didn't even think about the fact that talking ups the pain level. Now I know, and knowing is half the battle [GI Joe]. Tomorrow I call the Doc to see about a refill, if the pain spikes don't drop. I only have a couple hydrocodone's left. I'm also wondering if I should call my ortho and reschedule this week's appt. I don't think my mouth can handle getting the wires on the bottom right now. Or maybe I'll just see if he'll skip putting them on the front of the bottom teeth for now.
Oh, and the mostly liquid diet, yeah, not working for me. I know with my adrenal fatigue protein and fat meals keep me from going skitzy in the head, but I have to have a little carb in there. Most of the food I have been eating the last couple of days doesn't fulfill that need. So when I went to pick up my bath bomb at LUSH, I stopped by the pretzel stand and grabbed one. Thank you Auntie Anne, hit the spot.
And in case anyone is wondering, my Dr showed me the step-by-step pics of what she did. The bone graft looked like maggots before she sealed it up, which was interesting. I also had 2 holes at the bottom of my lower jaw. They don't exist anymore, but they were genetic not anything that I had done, to her knowledge.
And much thanks to friends and bosses who know their pharmacology. I'm never a big fan of drugs, but the last thing I want to do is overdose, but with this I'm not a fan of underdosing either.
surgery adventures