Lazy day at the Cat House

Nov 08, 2011 17:22

So, updates?

Court stuff, had my arraignment this morning. We pled not guilty, the prosecutor and my lawyer are going to play email tag and hopefully clear it up before trial. We'll see. Motion to dismiss has been filed.

Yoga stuff...ended up with a really nasty migraine on Saturday. S suggested it might be the flood of emotional energy, and I'm taking it on, instead of letting it flow through me. Didn't think much of that theory till meditation. As I was laying there, suddenly my scalp started tingling and I went all Avatar: the last airbender on myself. Felt my eyes glowing and my head completely beaming with a huge bright light. I am noticing that my hip is starting to open more, will get into non-yoga stuff in a minute. Siri is killing my quads, and I love her for it. I think I'm going to integrate my kundalini warm-up in my daily practice. The asanas are still coming along, slowly. I think it's because it's more scripted "required" practice than I'm used to. Normally, I just feel into my flows and go where my body needs it. Having to know all the Sun Salutations inside out and backwards drives a block in the front of that. So I think I'm going to have to have 2 different types of personal practice, for now. My actual practice and my teaching practice (which will be more verbal than physical). I am feeling more relaxed and balanced. Things that normally would put me on edge aren't as edgy anymore. I didn't go into freak out mode today until I was standing at the lectern, so that was good.

Birthday was awesome. My first stop of the day was a student energy healing session at WhiteWinds. It was amazing. We did a lot of work on my hip, and I'm still trying to sit with it. I've found, least I'm guessing this is the case, that I will subconsciously try to alter my energy, even if I'm just trying to sit with and not actively changing it. Lots of shit is coming out of that, and I'm ok with it. I need to shoot over an email to discuss some things, because I think this is a case of "I do not think that word means what you think it means". So, I'm curious if my root issues are something more recent, than historical. Follow up to that was shopping. I can't remember what I actually bought myself. Oh yeah, a hat, to go with my eventual gnome coat for winter. :) I also found me a nifty Om scarf that I'm going to have to snatch up and some Hello Kitty slippers with grippy bottoms that I can wear to class. :D

House stuff...I'm happy with where I'm at. I'm slowly marking projects off the list, and I'm trying to focus on one room at a time (not succeeding very well, so contemplating a reorganization by multiple rooms/similar needs set-up). Since the sunroom is almost done, and I need a place for yoga, that is the first room on the list to finish. I've been insulating the windows and re-caulking them. The base boards are not important right now, so I'll be satisfied with a room I can use, especially given that part is going to have to be done with the living room and the door frames. I need to find a better means to smooth out the frames, because the inside of the sunroom is proving to be tougher than I thought. One of these days. Closets are next on the list, as are the outlet covers, just small stuff that can make the place look "pretty".

Overall? Pretty good. I'd like to start seeing more of "people" instead of being cooped up at home more often than not. Yoga weekends are awesome because I'm socializing with new people, even though I'm still a bit intimidated. I have people that I'm drawn to, so I need to take a more active role in engaging them more. And for the folks that frequent NRT, I'm contemplating making Thursdays a regular outing (if you're up for it). Nothing says awesome like $5 burgers that are really about $9, and worth it.

relationships, rants, friends, healing, yoga

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