(no subject)

Nov 02, 2004 23:33

Dear David...

When we got together, I was pretty screwed up. I don't know what motivated you towards me, but something did and you made things worse. You broke me in more ways than anyone should ever be broken. For the last 5 years, I've been rebuilding myself. Trying to repair the damage you did, so that I could function at some semblance of a normal level. In the last 5 years, I've discovered a few things that I can't really repair in any other way, other than the method that screwed me up in the first place.

See, I already had a pain issue, and you abused that part of me. I was content with having a violence fetish, even down to the point that I discovered a means of playing with it safely. You fucked that up and made it a controlling device that was no longer enjoyable for me. To top it off with a cherry, during the last major argument we had, you decided to choke me. Remember? "Your lips look gorgeous blue." Nice thing to say, by the way. I have no apologies for what "I did" to deserve that, in fact, I wish the headache I gave you was a bit more painful. But thanks.

It took me about 5 years to figure it out, but I've got a new kink. Feel proud, you've left your mark on me. But you know what it means? You no longer have any control over me. I've found a way to break past that last little crack you put in me. I wish I could have come up with a better means, but I accept the way that I am now. Time has helped me seal it up with a lovely design, not the one I'd prefer, but it's one that you will never wipe away. It took a long time to figure out what would go there, but this is the official sign that you are dead to me.

I hope this finds you in a less than compromising position, and I hope your future husband treats you as well as you treated me.

Love always-

history, growth

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