
Apr 11, 2011 00:27

Its going to be a quick update.
Ive only just stoped working, and its been a pretty busy day.
I was up around 7.30 and dressed by about 8ish, started working around 9ish, and finished when Emma arrived and that was around 3ish.
Had a lovley day with Emma and Kelly.
Didnt really do much but we ended up in Oneils and that was nice, unexpected but really nice.
And Kelly got me this pudding, and it was all chocolatley and yummy lol.
I got in around 10ish after getting the wrong bus thinking it would go round to the station but it stoped in the highstreet, if only I waited 10 more mins I could have got the 208, but the walk did me good lol, walked some of that food off.
Got in and started working again, finished sanding all the discs, must have done way over 30.
2moro I have a load of work, Im hoping loads of my supplys arrive.
Done my goals chart for this week, and added a few things, roll on Friday when Im going to spend the day doing nothing lol.
Done my icon which is good so things will have to advance there.

Yeah cant think of anything to update on, seem to be working to all my targets.
Bleugh didnt complete all my goals tho, so no treat this week (not that I can afford it)

I dont know why I listed all the times 0_o
And Im watching Merlin now, since medium finished theres just nothing as good right now.
Merlin will do.

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