
Mar 22, 2011 00:05

I had a conversation today something about lesbians sleeping with men and its really got me thinking about sexuality, My views on it, my own sexuality and how much importance it has in a persons life.

I mean what is sexuality, sure everyone has a type or do they ?

I mean would a straight person if they ever meet someone of the same sex, and well they had a connection, would they ever well get with them ?
What Im trying to say are we all just a bunch of bisexuals, but never have the chance to actually meet that one person that well, switches the gayness on lolol.

I think of my own sexuality, which to be honnest has been something Ive struggled with since my middle teens, being 15 and not really relieseing that actually I like girls, only saying that I respected and admired whoever.

When thinking about types of people, well that would be easy, my type is
Long light hair

But then would that mean if I meet a guy who tall,younger than me,dark hair,slightly tanned, that if there was a spark I would run away ?

What Im getting at is
Is sexuality a fixed thing, or does it change with age,life experience etc.

Is sexuality fluid ?

Im not intrested in men, but if the right one came along would that mean well would that mean that I would get with them ?
No I dont think so, I mean if I became attracted to a man, it wouldent frighten me.

I mean I doubt my mrs robbinson, is round the conner, but does that mean I would run away from say Mr Graducate ?


So in conclusion of this complete load of pointless physco babble, sexuality is well fluid, it changes, and I think Im okay with that.
Who cares about labels.

Im off to do my nails.

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