ok... for those overseas that dont know... this post is about the fact that the Australian government has passed legislation banning same sex couples from getting married in Australia, or if they get married outside of Australia it will not be legally recognised here...
so this is what I have to say...
i was getting alot of replies and arguments in comment to this post about the vaidity of homosexuality... i want to stress THAT IS NOT WHAT THIS POST IS ABOUT
this post is about the fact that Australia is a secular society and therefore CANNOT base its laws on ANY religious basis...
Law is based on what is right... we ALL KNOW that in Australia
1- Not everybody believes in God
2- And there are a lot of different religions anywayz...
so why are we pushing these CHRISTIAN beliefs onto ALL of society?
Marriage is about 2 people that are in love devoting themselfs to each other forever... so what has gender got to do with it???
NOBODY has been able to give to me a non-religious reason as to why two people of the same sex shouldnt be getting married
by the government banning these people from getting married he is belittling them, and telling society that gay people are not really in love!!!and that being homosexual is wrong!!!
I may be straight, and i may be a Christian, but none of that matters, because that is me, and i am not the only person living in this country! i believe everybody has a right to be whatever they want to be and believe whatever they want to... as long as they are not hurting anybody...
thats what i have to say...
Click here to sign the petition opposing the legislation that bans gay marriage (can be signed from anywhere in the world) Click here to sign the Million For Marriage Petition (US only) they're more than half way please help out plz comment and add the banner to your user info :)
Peace out
SHOW YOUR SUPPORT!!! copy and past the following code into you userinfo or web page
http://www.livejournal.com/users/freakbymistake/10728.html">FUCK THE GOVERNMENT