It's Raining Men #007

Jul 24, 2009 13:53

Yayayay al fin es viernes y creo que hoy la temática es de músicos (si querías)
Así que pondré a uno de mis cantantes favoritos (:

EEUU (Massachussetts) - 20 años
Banda: A Rocket To The Moon (Con Justin Richards & Eric Halvorsen <3)
Cantante & toca la guitarra
1 | 2 | 3

I feel alone in a world full of strangers and I can’t sit still.
Cause this has been eating me all for about 7 months but only 5 remain
This year has gone by and I haven't moved and I haven't said anything.
The words can’t find a way to leave my lips, or leave me alone
Stay close, stay warm, stay here stay here, oh please. I want you, I need you.
Just tell me you won’t leave, for heaven sake will you just tell me.
I'm not the best at waiting but I'll give it all I've got.

I'm the best and worst idea I think you've ever had. Just in case you don't believe me
I've written everything on paper just confirm that you did say does that dumb word love mean anyway?
By the way I miss your eyes, miss your smile and the way you used to wake me up but now I'm falling down.

Stay close, stay warm, stay here, oh please. I want you, I need you.
Just tell me you won’t leave for heaven sakes will you just tell me
I'm not the best at waiting but I'll give it all I've got
Stay close, stay warm, stay here, oh please. I want you, I need you.
Just tell me you won’t leave, for heaven sakes will you just tell me
I'm not the best at waiting but I'll give it all I've got

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1
Stay close, stay warm, stay here, oh please, I want you, I need you
Just tell me you won’t leave, for heaven sakes will you just tell me
I'm not the best at waiting but I'll give it all I've got
1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

54321 {A Rocket To The Moon}

Parecerá emo o no sé pero lo amo :) <33333333
No se olviden de pasarse por los demás elejotaas

¿Harta de llegar al viernes hasta las narices de la uni, tu jefe te molestó mas de la cuenta esta semana? bienvenida a la única religión que en vez de pedirte te da!!

It's Raining Men


imisscullenidenisse4eversowelu_26 justcyanide

artista: nick santino, #fotos, #fangirleo, banda: a rocket to the moon, #unf, its raining men: post, #itsrainingmen

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