's colder than a witch's tit in my room...

Jul 26, 2005 19:50

Which Family Guy character are you?


Man...whoever thinks I'm gonna be a H.S. PE teacher is fucking crazy. I can barely motivate myself to excersize much less a bunch of kids.

Oh, crap...I haven't updated in a while. I don't really have the energy to pour my heart and soul out right now so here are the Cliff's Notes to my life:

--Work's The Southwest 7 theater closed down a couple of weeks ago so we have a lot of their ex-employees working with us now. So, my hours have been sucking a lot lately but I have more free time so I guess that's cool.
--I met a boy who I'm kind of interested in. His name is Cory and we met at Graham's. We went out on a "date" on Sunday...we saw Land of the Dead which was a complete waste of time but c'est la vie. Afterwards, we met up with some of his friends at Buffalo Wild Wings and had margaritas and then we walked down to Fiddlestrings...had a couple of beers and then we went back to my apartment to watch Boondock Saints. It was a really good night...I dunno...I suppose he's kind of renewed my faith in the whole "dating" thing...I think I might be ready to invest my emotions in someone sometime in the near future. Not him...'cause he's in the Air Force and he's leaving in a month and I don't want to commit to someone who's going to be leaving anytime soon. I'm not going to put forth any effort in finding anyone...but I'm ready to let someone in. Anyway...I like Cory, though. He's tons o' fun.'s freezing balls cold in my room so I think I'm gonna go bother Shane for a while because his room is always warm...and God hates him.

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