Feb 20, 2009 13:45
I woke up today with a Tiny Tim song stuck in my head. Or what I think to be Tiny Tim. It was a song played in the first episode of Spongebob. He was creating krabby patties for a school of sardines. This song played and it would get in my head and I know none of the words. That's THE worst thing you can get in your head, is a song you don't know the words to. Or better yet, a song that you only know one line of and therefore it will continue to repeat until you find another song to replace it. Granted, if you don't have a pyschotic episode in that space of time trying to find another song. Now I have Amanda Palmer in me skull. That's something I welcome with open arms. She's so wonderful.
I got paid today. I actually have money to spend spend. I couldn't be happier.
I had to go to the high school today. Nikki (co-worker of mine and senior of Brookville) asked me to draw on this box she has. It was a donation box of some sort for some sickly child that's going to camp or something. *shrugs* Who knows. I said sure and that I'd drop it by the school, yesterday. She said draw whatever you want, that would usually equal into diaster for the other party. Because sometimes even what I draw, gets me into trouble. But, I drew this hand coming up catching coins and dollar bills from this brain-looking cloud thing. It was adorned with a few designs here and there and I liked it okay. If she hates it, oh to the well. Somehow I had the hand engulfed in fire. I always somehow incorporate fire in my drawings, or most recently, anything that Amanda designs for her eyebrows. But, I dropped it by the school and hated the few seconds I was there. I hate the way it fucking smells.