Dec 18, 2004 17:03
Yeah last night i ended up not going to the dance i stayed home and talked to tyler on the phone....from 9:00 till 1:30......He told me he loves me 3 so happy that im with him...sometimes its tempting to smoke weed because he does...last night he asked me if i care that he does....and i dont care if he would be fucked up to try and make him quit..he said he could try but i dont wanna change him..i knew he did that before i went out with him and it didnt matter then so it wont know....he wanted me to go to his house today with his family for some christmas thing but i said no cuz im having trouble dealing with my own family right now and he guyz probably see a different side of tyler the stoner side but when im talking to him hes way different....last year i never thought i would even hang out with him or even talk to him and now im ( i think) in love with him ....he means so much to me...its been a month and 2 weeks tomorrow..and im way happier with him than i was derrick or even Peter...I love tyler...which sounds foolish cuz im only 16 but i do...i've noticed i havent thought about cutting my self nearly as much as i did when i was with peter ....and thats good...i find myself being less depressed when im with him....this is the happiest i've ever been......