Jul 17, 2006 13:05

so a couple of days ago i came home from 'Beautiful British Columbia' as their license plates say. While up their we had much fun on houseboats swimmin' and competing in two competitions. the first was Watermelon Water Polo which my team the orange team came in second the other comp was a series of challenges to vie for the coveted 'Silver Chicken'. There were many mini comps including a relay, a big splash comp, a "rope" course, and a synchronized swimming comp. There were also a bunch of additional points awarded to the silver chicken comp for random things like hidden talents, most bug bites (i think the most was something like 120 in four days), and blood that was the result of the mini comps. There was 5 additional points awarded to the girl who had the narliest bruise ever in the history of most things this bruise encompassed the whole back of her thigh all the way down to her knee we even named it Carlos it had such a life of its own it also kinda looked like South America. I bet you are wondering how she got this bruise well it was in the biggest splash comp from about one story up she made a belly flop type connection with the water with her leg, she won though. Well that was House Boats '06 every one should go next year now i look forward to running the media team for JH that means i am responsible to make sure mics work and the bound sounds good and to also supply kickin' background music. well only got till wednesday mornin' see you all lata. Cheers

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