let me see ya one two stePp

Nov 30, 2004 16:32

i hate beinq stuck in this house. it sucks. never anything to do. only 2 1/2 more weeks till x'mas vacation. qod i cant wait. soon enouqh my ass will be in NY. hOlla :D. much betta than sittin hurr. uqh. so what is everyone qoinq to qet me fOr x'mas. anythinq special? lol. i still havent dOne ne x'mas shOppinq yet. I need tO thouqh. Christina & I might qo to the mall Saturday & then maybe I will dO some shoppinq then. That is if I have enOuqh $$ mula $$. [ hOpefully i will ]. today was borinq at skool. cept fOr 3rd & 4th periOd. dem wuz tha only classes I actually had fun in. lauqhin mah ass off in bOth them. 4th period was qreat. Steven & Cody were talkinq about how hott Kailyn lOoked today cuz these pants she wore today obviously made her ass lOok better or somethinq. But yah. Jasmine herd them talkinq about her, cuz she went up to the teachers desk & was leaned over and Steven bust out "CODY LOOK AT HER. SHES BENT OVER"..and Jasmie yelled "Steven shut-up, u stare to much"...Kailyn there talking about ur butt"..and by that time the teacher wuz qittin too pissed. It was funny. Just hadta be there.

omq. christina we have tO control our obession with all the hott quyz at our school. LOL!!!...the bOyfriend thinks im weird cuz I think every other quy at our skOol is hot. Yah. but u knO my babii is tha hOttest. ;D. lol <3333<333<333

time fOr Ryan tO qO qet his CHEESY-PoOFS!!..LMAO CHRISTINA.. HAHAHA!!!!!!

and Jason..please dOnt qet any more boners when you think of Jesus. thank you....lol.
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