Okay, so im doinq MUCH better than I was this morninq. I was basically in my room all day on the phone & the internet to get away from all the BS. Spending the day locked up in my room actually helped for once. But I do believe I still have 2 people reserved for wanting to fuck her up. LoL. One to sit on her, and one to just beat the eff outta her. ha. Im really bored so I`ve resulted into takinq a lil survey thinqy majigger. fun fun. read<33
<3 AlL aBoUt YoU <3 Created by
sweetxbabidoll and taken 13 times on
bzoink!-* ThE bAsIcSNaMe -*JustineAgE -*1 huq 7 kiSseSGrAdE -*11EyEs -*brownHaIr -*brownBoYfRiEnD/GiRlFrIeNd -*Kenny <3SiBlInGs -*1 brother-* Do YoUSmOkE -*nawDrInK -*yes, not all the time thoughDo DrUgS -*nawGo To ScHoOl -*yeshFiGhT wItH yOuR pArEnTs -*hell yah-* LaStKiSs -*like 15 minz aqO, kenny <3HuG -*look at previous answerSoNg LiStEnEd To -*FiGhT -*todaii...wut a cowinkydink...PhOnE cAlL -*couple hourz aqOInStAnT mEsSaGe -*riqht now * wiff mah lOvley Penis Hoe.. ( Jessi)Cd BoUgHt -*kanye west & juvyMoViE wAtCheD -*The Wash ( ft. Dr Dre, Snoop Doog, Eminem, Ludacris & Xzibit)ShOwEr -*thiiS morninqCiGaReTtE -*last year-* FaVeOrItEArTiSt -*musically : too manii to nameScEnT -*Love Spell & Very Sexy 4 HerSoNg -*too manii to nameScHoOl SuBjEcT -*enqlishMoViE -*Love & Basketball AcToR/aCtReSs -*OrlandO BloOm , Johnny Depp & Denzel WashinqtOnDrInK -*Dr. Pepper & WaterAlCoHoLiC dRiNk -*bacardi'sz `nd dat hyp & hennyFoOd -*shrimpDrUg -*ew-* ThIs oR tHaTPePsI oR cOkE -*neitherAvRil Or AsHlEe -*ashleeVaNiLlA oR cHoCoLaTe -*vanillaSpRinG oR fAlL -*sprinq break bitches <3ScHoOl oR wOrK -*school=friendsz, work= money $$$$SlEeP iN oR sTaY uP lAtE -*bothMtV oR vH1 -*mtvRaDiO oR tV -*I live on music...so radio-* WhAt CoMeS tO mInDReD -*Daniel ( hiz nickname is Redd)WiLl -*Turner ( Orlando B's character in POTC)SaMaNtHa -*Crotty - mii rOad doqq fa lyfe <3WhIpPeD -*CreamKiM -*PossibleMuNcHiEs -*weedSqUaRe -*danceFiSh -*findinq nemoDoUg -*that one cartoon from back in tha day..YeLlOw -*cardDrEaMs -*sleepAmAnDa -*RayJuStIn -*Garcia-- that HOTT sophmore..lol christinaMiKe -*Lezarch - mii hOmeboiiSpEaK -*shut up =DHoT -*chocolate-* YoUr OpiNiOnAbOrTiOn -*i dont want to qet into all that messDrInKiNg -*teen drinkinq iz very bad ; yo, i qot a fake ID thouqh..HOLLA =DSmOkInG -*ewPoLiTiCs -*uqh ; too confusinq!!!WaR -*its needed sometimes to set shit skr8tReLiGiOn -*qood to qo to churchBuSh -*he looks like a monkey . lolAvRiL lAvIgNe -*dont knowEmInEm -*i was runnin downt he street butt naked qoin AHH AHH AHH =DCoUnTrY mUsIc -*Save a Horse, Ride A Cowboy ;-D...ahahaCeLl PhOnEs -*qotta have em =)-* FiNaL rAnDoM qUeStIoNsHoW fAr HaVe YoU gOnE -*the cherriesz qone..Do YoU lIkE rAp MuSiC -*fa shO bitch =DIf YoU sMoKe, WhAt KiNd -*.......If YoU KnEw YoU hAd OnE dAy To LiVe WhO wOulD yOu SpEnd It WiTh -*Kenny <3 and of course my familyHoW bOrEd ArE yOu -*bored enouqh to do this lame shitDo YoU bElIvE iN lOvE aT fIrSt SiGhT -*dependzWaNnA gEt MaRrIeD -*yuhHaVe KiDs -*yuh-* LaSt OnE i SwEaR >> 11 PeOpLe YoU aRe ClOsE wItH1 -*Kenny <332 -*Parker3 -*Christina4 -*Sammie5 -*Redd ( Daniel )6 -*Crysten7 -*Brandon8 -*Josh9 -*Mike10-*Izza11-*John
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