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May 26, 2010 17:31

Im just reposting this from Beth Owl daughters blog. I dont expect many of you will join but even if one of you does then it is worth it. This guy may not be someone you know you may have not even read his books but it is no bad thing to do a good thing for someone else. it wont take much time of effort but it might have a great result if we beleive enough.

Phaedra Bonewits has put out a healing request for her husband, Isaac Bonewits (teacher, elder and author of many Craft classics, including the classic, Real Magic). Isaac has been fighting colon cancer for quite some time now, and has undergone several rounds of chemotherapy.
Unfortunately, the cancer is not responding and he is now at a point where he is no longer strong enough to survive another round of chemo. His doctor has told them that Isaac needs a miracle.

Therefore, Phaedra would like the magical community to do a “rolling thunder” healing ritual tomorrow, the night of the Full Moon, May 27th at 9pm, your local time.

A “rolling thunder” ritual, for those who have not ever participated in one, creates an effect like a global rolling thunderstorm. The basic idea is simply that you do the ritual based on your own magickal traditions at 9 pm, in your own local time zone.

So British folks would begin at 9pm, British Summer Time; on the U.S. East coast, it would begin at 9 o’clock Eastern Daylight Time; in the U.S. Midwest, you’d start at 9 Central; and so on.  The energies roll from one time zone to another.

As for what healing and magical techniques are used, Phaedra does not care. Her only other request, outside of it being done at 9 pm local time is that you use the following chant to link the energies raised: “Isaac’s tumors fade away.” She also wants us to chant, “Thirty more years with Phae” but I am not sure that feels right to me, since, as local Priestess Lady MoonDance has pointed out, it shifts (perhaps dilutes) the energy to be also about their relationship, not solely his healing. So I leave that decision up to you.

WHEN: On the night of the Full Moon, May 27, 2010, at 9:00P.M. in your time zone

HOW: Create a healing ritual within your tradition that includes raising energy with the requested chanting.

THEN: It will comfort Isaac and Phaedra to know when your ritual is done. Let them know: phaedra (at symbol) neopagan dot net.

WHY IT MATTERS: Isaac Bonewits is one of North America’s leading experts on ancient and modern Druidism, Witchcraft and the rapidly growing Earth Religions movement.  A practicing Neopagan priest, scholar, teacher, bard, and polytheologian for over 35 years, he has coined much of the vocabulary we take for granted today.  And he has articulated many of the issues that have shaped our rapidly growing Neopagan communities in the United States and Canada, with opinions both playful and controversial.

As the author of several books including Real Magic, Authentic Thaumaturgy, Witchcraft: A Concise Guide, Neopagan Rites, and The Pagan Man, as well as numerous articles, reviews and essays, many songs and albums, and lectures, he has educated, enlightened and entertained two generations of modern Goddess worshippers, nature mystics, and followers of other minority belief systems, and has explained these movements to journalists, law enforcement officers, college students, and academic researchers.

Isaac is the Founder and Archdruid Emeritus of Ár nDraíocht Féin: A Druid Fellowship (the best known Neopagan Druid organization based in North America), a 3° Druid within the United Ancient Order of Druids (the best known Mesopagan Druid order), a retired High Priest in both the Gardnerian (“British Orthodox”) and the N.R.O.O.G.D. (“California Heterodox”) traditions of Wicca (Neopagan Witchcraft), an initiate of Santeria (Afro-Cuban Mesopaganism) and the “Caliphate Line” of the Ordo Templi Orientis (Aleister Crowley’s Mesopagan magical tradition), as well as a member of C.U.U.P.S. and other Neopagan and Mesopagan Druid orders.

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