This is what happened the last few days:
Friday Sabih, Anthony, Amanda, John, Brian, Deniz, and Bulent all went to the ice skating rink to ice skate and have a fun time! Me and Justin didn't go because that's not really for us I guess....but I wanted to go at one point, but I had no ride so I said, fuck it. Later on Dallas came and picked me up and I bought cigs and we had some beer, it was pretty good. Then Ant, John and Brian came and got me and Justin and we all went to the Diner...
At the diner, we saw other people that go to leesville; Jenny, Tyler, Peter, Trent, Eddie, Virginia and some others I didn't know... It was pretty cool knowing other people that get stoned go to the Diner also!
I went and got a glass ash tray from a lady behind the counter and brought it to our table...soon after Brian does something with the menus, and the ash try slides slowly off the table, flys through the air and smashes on the ground. Everyone in the diner looked at us and we were like "Oh shit!" "Brian you idiot!", it was so funny. Well after that we got a black plastic one :)
We got invited to a kegger that night but we couldn't go because John had a 12am curfew, so we were like "well damn.."
and on to saturday:
Saturday I went over to sabihs at like 3? 4? I don't remember....We chilled in his computer room for a while then everyone started coming over. Peter, Me, Amanda, Sabih, Brian, Daniel, David, Mikey, Anthony, etc. Mikey brought a couple of nugs of dank so we smoked that out of the hookah, that shit was awesome. I love Sabih's hookah. People threw in some money for beer so we got some beer, and went on some bridge in the woods to drink. I didn't have any because I don't like being high and drunk at the same time.... The rest of the night was awesome.
Ummm..... Our website is up
MORONIC[dot]NET (on a temporary shitty layout) but what are you gonna do? It has flash games, applications, videos, etc on them...Mostly used for school since everything is blocked.
Thats it for now!