Death and Its Valley Vasting In Frozen and Staind in Blood

Sep 10, 2009 21:38

Looking back on Crater Lake well I will post that on a later date.

My time is up next friday. And my god, I can't wait to leave this fucking place. I have never hated well, lets just say it's a place I known that if I come back I known what I'm getting my self into.

Going to Death Valley on Oct 2nd till May 12th. So I wont be home for sometime. I will miss home cause thats almost seven months away from home.

Fear and loathing still haven't told this person I like that I like them I get the muster to do it and then I go blank and just cant say it. It's like I see this person and there feelings project back on me there for I just freeze up.

So damned if you don't and damned if you do. Fucking shit!

I miss home alot and I cant wait to get back and relax. And just do nothing till I start work again. In Death Valley, Ca.

Filthy days bitches!!
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