Title: Friendship is Sharing
Rating: PG
Fandom: Marvel Cinematic Universe, Avengers
Pairings: Clint/Natasha
Warnings: None.
Summary: It turns out that caring for two small birds does not leave you with much alone time.
Prompt: memory, crystal, volcano, dragon, frame, and a quote I’m ignoring because it doesn’t fit.
Word Count: 1000
Author’s Notes:
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Hehe, I do think you're majorly biased, yes. I could throw an orca in a random story and you'd be like, "BEST STORY EVAR!" (Sometimes I am tempted) But I'm glad you're enjoying the banter and snark that are our icebound lovebirds! I get a major kick out of writing this AU. I know I always blame you (because it's your fault), but it's still so much fun. And the challenges you posted yesterday were a lot of fun, too!
Totally. Maybe this one?
I suppose I can't really deny it, but the orca would have to at least make sense for it to be the "BEST STORY EVAR!" ;) And if accepting blame keeps you happy and writing in this AU, blame me all you want, it's all my fault, mea maxima culpa -- and I'm SO not sorry! =D
And how awesome are you that you managed a Pern cameo!?!
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