Nanowrimo Day 30

Nov 30, 2012 01:31


Well, okay, not really. I still have roughly a chapter and a half left to write on this project, but I crossed the finish line with precisely 50,000 words (I validated at 49,987 and wrote 13 words to get myself across), so I have the purple bar and can now say I’ve won all but one Nanowrimo done. Lost myself writing a rather lengthy and complicated fight scene. I complain about them, but when the muse is working with me, they’re the easiest things in the world to write for some reason.

Of course, then I reread them and panic, but hey, you can’t have everything.

But I have won, and I am pleased, and now I am going to read Cold Days and drink celebratory shots with etoiline because we survived a month of sickness, health, stress, and writing, and it’s OVER.

Word Count: 50,000 words
Current Project: Secret Santa Chapter 13
Project on Deck: Secret Santa Chapter 14

PS - Editing to add this pretty little thing:

secret santa, the avengers, nanowrimo

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