Nov 14, 2005 12:51
Well, I haven't made a significant update in a while, so for those of you who obessively check their LJ, I'll make an attempt to update. The past few weeks have made me want to jump out my window. I'm so burnt out from classes, and now finals are right around the corner. I need to start to getting my shit together and buckle down, otherwise this semester will go to shit. On a better note, this weekend turned out much better than expected. Me and Amy went to the Kanye West concert on friday, which was amazing. It may actually be one of the best concerts I've ever been to. Saturday we gave blood for the "beat penn state" drive. Kinda scary since that was my first time giving blood, but I didn't cry or freak out, so I think I handled it pretty well. We then went shopping all over the greater East Lansing area. If you ever get a chance to, you have to drive down Hagadorn rd. out to Mason and check out all of the HUGE houses out there. It's insane how large these houses are. I just hung around the dorms til Amy got back from the game and then we proceeded to do maybe the dumbest thing I've ever done. haha. We thought (I still have no idea why) killing Kristen's 5 O' would be a good idea. We started and before I knew it I was seeing double. Yet, I proceeded to keep taking shots. All in all I had 8, which isn't that bad, but keep in mine I WAS DOWN A PINT OF BLOOD! After Amy helped me down to my room, I tried talking to people online, which didn't end up working so well. Somewhere between sitting in my desk chair and typing to people, I passed out, sitting up, in my desk chair. I woke up 4 HOURS LATER and noticed it was light out. I stumbled over to the couch, still drunk, and passed out again. My alarm clock went off and I thought it was around 11ish, when in actuality, it was 1:30...IN THE AFTERNOON BABY! (a little dane cook for ya). Still drunk, I stumbled around and eventually laid on the couch all day until I finally puked at 5:30 pm. Then I got to go on a not so fun car ride to Max and Erma's for Alison and Katie's birthdays. All in all, it was an interesting weekend. I'm feeling much better today, so I can actually be a productive member of society today. Lucky me, I get to go to work in 20 minutes. eck. Just eck, with a side of eck (some more DC). This week will be my week from hell because I'm trying to catch up in all of my classes, because I suck at life and can't do it when I'm supposed to. Well, this is all for now. I must go. Adios all.